WHEN: Monday ​6:30 - 7:30 pm WHERE: Uncommon Dog, 127 Main Rd, Holden, ME 04429 COST: Members $12 Nonmembers $15
Handling Class Schedule
This is a drop in class on held on Monday evening. Class will only be held only if we have a certain number of people sign up. The weekly sign-up sheet for Monday night's class will be updated every Wednesday and will be available by clicking link below and on our FaceBook Page. If there are enough people signed up by 4:00 pm on Monday night we will post whether class is a go or not on the PVKC FaceBook Page.
We will not be holding Handling Class until Spring 2025
Handling classes are presented by members of the Penobscot Valley Kennel Club. The classes provide practice for dogs and their handlers at all levels of experience. This is an excellent opportunity for junior handlers to gain confidence in a noncompetitive environment. Vaccinated puppies and mixed breeds are welcome. All dogs in attendance must be fully vaccinated.
While dogs and handlers learn ring routines and procedures, instructors and other class members observe and offer tips to improve performance of both dog and handler. PVKC handling classes provide a supportive atmosphere.
Dogs and handlers learn how to walk in a show ring situation, how to interact safely with other dogs and how to interact well with strangers. One of the most important lessons dogs may learn is manners and how to work well with their handlers.
Handling classes and ultimately dog shows teach a handler and a dog to become a team which is a relationship that carries into all other activities that dog and handler do together.
Keep in Touch
Get questions answered from experienced PVKC members and handlers. Click on the button below to get added to Wendy Hooke's handling class email contact list.
Save on Handling Class Fees By Becoming A PVKC Member!
Did you know that members can save $3 per class! Handling class fees are $12 for members and $15 for non-members.
Not only will you quickly recover the cost of membership if you join the PVKC but you will also be included on all club news, be the first to know about the Maine Chickadee Classic and other benefits. PVKC dues are $20 for Individuals, $25 for Families (Household) and $5 for Junior Individuals (Under 18 years old). Head on over to our membership page to learn more.